The traditional New Year Resolution: some dread it and some embrace it. Of course, it’s not always easy to sit down and decide what we hope to accomplish over the next year. Below you will find a few ideas that I hope will be helpful in making you a more successful graphic or web designer next year and for the rest of your career. If you have more suggestions please add to the list.
- Graphic Designers, Code your first web site
- Web designers, Design your first set of business cards, a logo, or a poster
- Design and Code your first wordpress theme
- Learn the basics of Photoshop and Illustrator
- Learn the principles of usability in any design setting.
- Get a twitter account if you don’t have one. (If you have one, you can follow me too. I know–shameless plug.)
- Try out some sort of new online social media.
- If you freelance, raise your rates.
- Find new and better ways to connect with clients (Google Voice, Google Wave, etc.)
- Study Typography more in depth and apply it in your designs
- Try a color scheme you have never even imagined
- If you are a freelancer, try an office job. If you are in the office, try freelancing.
- Get all the info you need from your client by asking the right questions
- Start a blog or write for other blogs
- Get involved in the online community
- Learn the basics of XHTML and CSS (web designers: learn something new–perhaps CSS3 or HTML5)
- Take up a new hobby that doesn’t involve design in any way
- Exercise the left side of your brain more (give the right side of your brain a rest)
- Learn the basics of copywriting
- Update your portfolio to meet industry standards
- If you don’t have an online portfolio, get one. If you don’t have a print portfolio, get one.
- Update your resume
- Do some volunteer design work
- Use at least one project to defy all the rules you have ever learned
- Break the mold of design (especially on the web)
- Take an extra class about design at a local university, college, or community school
- Teach a community class on design
- Give speeches at your local Chamber of Commerce (US) or other business organization in order to find clients and establish a reputation
- Learn more about some designers who created things before computers were popular
- Subscribe to top design blogs and frequently read from their feeds
- Follow top designers on twitter and interact with them
- Save for that dream computer you’ve always wanted
- Have the guts to buy it (see #32)
- Take on odd jobs that sound impossible or above your level of expertise. Then force yourself to be good enough
- Start your design process with good sketches and brainstorming
- Learn how to market yourself or your client via social media
- In your next meeting with a client, be a little more professional
- Really impress your clients–current and new
- Have confidence in your work. Show that confidence by bringing a contract to the first meeting
- Help someone rebuild or fortify their branding
- Redesign something just for fun
- Learn the basics of advertising and marketing
- Take time to be inspired
- Simplify your life and Simplify your design.
- Avoid these logo design mistakes
- Be a little more patient with your most annoying clients
- Embrace Failure. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or admit your don’t know something
- Clean your desktop off. No, Really.
- Go against the grain. Don’t follow design trends
- Sell something besides your services. Code a wp theme, write a book, etc.
- Organize your time and be more efficient